Josh Madakor

Cybersecurity & IT Instructor

How to Land a Job with Less Competition

Hey young readers! Have you ever wondered how some people find really cool jobs easily? Today, we’re going to explore some smart moves you can make to find awesome jobs where you won’t be fighting against hundreds of others. This can make it way easier to get noticed and land that job!

Make Your Resume Shine

First things first, your resume needs to look its best. Imagine it’s like your superhero costume for getting jobs. Make sure it’s easy to read and shows off your best skills. There are videos and resources to help you make an amazing resume. They’ll teach you how to make a resume for people and computers (yes, computers check resumes too!) both love.

Secret Tips to Find Less Crowded Jobs

Now, let’s dive into the cool stuff with three secret tips to find jobs with fewer applicants:

Look for Unique Jobs

  • Defense Jobs: Some jobs don’t sound like others, especially in defense or those needing a special security clearance. The cool part? Some jobs will help you get this clearance, opening doors to work on secret projects!
  • Weird Titles: Some jobs have strange titles that most people won’t search for. Watch the video below that I’ve got lists of these odd titles and where to find them to give you a head start.

Consider working somewhere unexpected, even if it’s just for a short time. Moving to a new place can sound scary, but it can also be an adventure! It could be your ticket to break into a new field or land a promotion. Imagine working in cyber security or becoming a manager because you were willing to take a chance and move.

Use Smart Search Strategies

  • Use filters on job websites to find roles with less than 10 applicants. This makes it way more likely for you to get noticed.
  • Look for jobs in smaller towns or cities. Sometimes these places have great jobs but not enough people to fill them.
  • Apply fast! Try to be one of the first to apply by looking for the most recently posted jobs.

Extra Help If You’re Serious

If you’re really into IT and tech stuff, there are courses and free resources to help you get started. They’ll guide you through everything from fixing computers to protecting networks from hackers. Plus, practicing with real questions can give you a big head start. I am teaching entry-level IT and Cybersecurity courses with real case studies that can help you break into the IT world. My team has also created a bunch of free practice questions to help you get IT certifications such as CompTIA A+, Security+, and CISSP.

Free practice questions:

IT course:

CyberSecurity Course:


Remember, finding a job doesn’t have to be about competing with hundreds of others. With these tips, you can discover cool opportunities that many people don’t even know exist. Get your resume ready, be brave, and maybe even plan for a little adventure. You’ve got this! Keep learning and exploring, and who knows? The perfect job could be just around the corner. Thanks for reading, and good luck on your job hunt! See you in the next post!

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