Josh Madakor

Cybersecurity & IT Instructor

Cybersecurity Degree – COMPLETE 365 Day Guide

Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re going to dive into how you can earn an accredited online cybersecurity degree from Western Governors University (WGU), which is recognized by the NSA for its excellence. And guess what? You might be able to do it in under a year for less than $10,000! Let’s get into it.

Overview of WGU and Cybersecurity Degree

WGU is an online university where you pay for terms that last 6 months. You can finish as many courses as you want during that time. This program includes important certifications like A+, Network+, and more. What’s exciting is you can get through this by following a strategic guide, combining pre-study with transferring credits and a series of free practice exams. Ready to find out how? Keep reading!

Steps to Save Time and Money

1. Preparation and Pre-Study

  • First, gather detailed strategies for each class from resources like Reddit where past students have shared their tips.
  • Use to earn inexpensive credits that can be transferred to WGU, saving both time and money.
  • Take advantage of free practice exams for third-party certifications included in the program.

For more information about, please visit the video below. 

2. Strategy and Execution

  • This plan aims to help you pass in roughly 280 days for under $6,000 by maximizing your study efficiency.
  • Start by transferring any previously earned college credits. If you don’t have any, don’t worry, there are many ways to meet WGU’s enrollment criteria.
  • Consider going through the Google cybersecurity program. It’s a great primer for WGU’s coursework and might help meet enrollment requirements.
  • Then, take specific courses from that translate into WGU credits, significantly reducing your remaining coursework at WGU.

3. Enrolling at WGU

  • Once you’ve pre-studied and transferred credits from, you’re ready to enroll at WGU.
  • You’ll likely start with transferring in as many credits as possible to reduce your load and cost.
  • Focus on completing classes as efficiently as possible, using strategies and insights from those who’ve gone before you.

Why Pursue This?

Even though you do not need a degree to work in IT and cybersecurity, having one might give you an edge, especially during tough economic times. It also can be achieved economically through WGU, allowing you to graduate with minimal financial strain.

Finishing Up

If you can complete your studies within one term at WGU, you might spend about $5,800. Stretching it to two terms might bring this up to around $11,000, still well below the cost of many other degree programs. The goal is to wrap everything up between 280 to 365 days, making this an incredibly fast and cost-effective way to earn your cybersecurity degree.

And don’t forget, it’s not just about the degree. Throughout the process, you’ll earn valuable certifications that will boost your resume, making you a strong candidate in the cybersecurity field.

Final Tip:

Remember to share what you’ve learned with others who might be interested in cybersecurity. It’s all about helping each other succeed in our careers. Subscribe for more helpful guides like this, and also don’t forget to check out my Hands-On IT and Cybersecurity Course to help you bridge the gap between just being skilled and actually landing a job!

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