Josh Madakor

Cybersecurity & IT Instructor

From Scrum Master to Cybersecurity Analyst: Edgar’s Success Story

Hello everyone! Today, I want to share an inspiring journey of Edgar, a former Scrum Master who made a big leap into the world of Cybersecurity, landing a job as a Security Analyst with no prior IT background! Here’s how he did it.

Edgar’s Background

Before diving into Cybersecurity, Edgar worked as a Scrum Master. He felt his role was not fulfilling enough and craved a change. With a bit of experience in Azure from his previous job and a push from a YouTube video, Edgar decided to make the career pivot.

How Did Edgar Make the Transition?

Edgar’s transition was not just about deciding to move into Cybersecurity; it was backed by a solid plan:

  • Taking a Course: He signed up for a hands-on cybersecurity course that significantly helped him prepare for the field.
  • Applying What He Learned: Edgar didn’t just learn; he applied his knowledge in real-life scenarios, which boosted his confidence.
  • Project and GitHub: He engaged in a project and made his work public on GitHub, showcasing his skills and understanding of Cybersecurity.

The Job Application Process

It took Edgar a bit over six months to land his current role since he started his cybersecurity course. During this time, he not only completed the course but also applied to numerous job openings. Persistence and showcasing his practical skills were key to getting noticed.

A Typical Day as a Security Analyst

Now, Edgar enjoys his role, working on tasks such as:

  • Filtering spam and malicious emails
  • Focusing on endpoint detection
  • Engaging in threat hunting to ensure company security

The Impact on Edgar’s Life

Switching to Cybersecurity has profoundly impacted Edgar’s life. He feels happier, finds purpose in his career, and the new role has positively affected his family life. Edgar appreciates the constant learning and the ability to help others by sharing his journey and tips in online communities.

Key Takeaways from Edgar’s Experience

If you’re thinking about a career in Cybersecurity or any other field, here are some tips from Edgar:

  • Be Persistent: Apply to many positions; all it takes is one yes.
  • Showcase Your Skills: Projects and GitHub profiles can significantly help in proving your abilities.
  • Be Prepared: Take courses, engage in projects, and do internships if possible. Show that you are active in your learning.
  • Use Resources: Tools like ChatGPT and other online resources can help prepare for interviews.


Edgar’s story is a great example of how changing careers to Cybersecurity (or any other field) is entirely possible with the right mindset, preparation, and persistence. Remember, it’s not just about the knowledge you gain but how you apply it and share it with the world. Good luck on your journey, and maybe you will be the next success story we share!

By the way, don’t forget to check out my Hands-On IT and Cybersecurity Course to help you bridge the gap between just being skilled and actually landing a job!

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