Josh Madakor

Cybersecurity & IT Instructor

How Derek Landed a Cybersecurity Job Without a Technical Background

Hey there! Today, we’re sharing an inspiring story about Derek, who landed a cool cybersecurity job, even though he didn’t start with a technical background. Whether you’re dreaming about working in cybersecurity or just love motivating stories, keep reading!

Derek’s Journey into Cybersecurity

Derek was like many of us, wanting to break into cybersecurity but unsure how to do it. He didn’t start in IT or have technical experience. However, with the right steps and mindset, he proved it’s possible to get a cybersecurity job. Let’s see what he did.

What Derek Did to Get Hired

Here are the key steps Derek took on his journey to becoming an Information Security Officer:

1. Taking a Course: Derek began by taking a cybersecurity course, stepping up his knowledge from ground zero.

2. Using Discord: He joined Discord communities where people share success stories and advice, helping him stay motivated and learn from others.

3. Self-Learning: Derek spent time on platforms like TryHackMe, gaining practical skills and knowledge.

4. Applying Like Crazy: Derek applied to many jobs, understanding it’s partly a numbers game.

5. Being Honest and Eager to Learn: In interviews, Derek was honest about what he didn’t know but showed eagerness to learn, impressing his employers.

6. Practicing for Interviews: He prepared diligently, anticipating questions and rehearsing his answers.

Day-to-Day Work and Challenges

As an Information Security Officer, Derek’s job is busy and involves a lot of self-learning. He manages tasks like change management and incident response. Despite the challenges, Derek finds the role rewarding and emphasizes the importance of being proactive and enjoying the learning process.

Advice for Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals

Derek has some great tips for others looking to break into cybersecurity:

– Keep Learning Always: be willing to learn on your own. Cybersecurity changes fast, and staying curious is key.

– Persistence Pays Off: Applying for jobs can feel endless, but persistence is crucial. Derek applied to many positions before landing his job.

– It’s Okay Not to Know: Everything Be honest about your skill level but show you’re willing to learn and improve.

– Work on Your Soft Skills: Being able to communicate well and present your ideas clearly is very important, especially when explaining technical issues to non-technical people.


Derek’s story is a powerful reminder that breaking into cybersecurity, or any new field, is possible with the right attitude and actions. You don’t need a tech background from the start. What you need is the willingness to learn, apply relentlessly, and stand out by showing your eagerness and passion for the field. Derek did it, and so can you!

Remember, everyone’s journey is different. Find what works for you, keep pushing forward, and don’t give up on your dreams. Cybersecurity needs people from all kinds of backgrounds, adding unique perspectives to this exciting and ever-evolving field.

Who knows? The next success story we share could be yours! Keep learning, keep applying, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself.

By the way, don’t forget to check out my Hands-On IT and Cybersecurity Course to help you bridge the gap between just being skilled and actually landing a job!

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