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From Call Center to IT Architect: Taylor’s Incredible Journey


Today, we are going to share an amazing story about Taylor, who dramatically changed her career path from working in call centers to becoming an IT architect specialist. This journey is not just inspiring but also filled with practical tips and advice for anyone dreaming of making a big move in their career, especially into the world of technology.

Meet Taylor

Taylor’s background is quite interesting. She graduated with a degree in film, a path she decided not to pursue by the end of her senior year. Searching for a new direction, she found herself working in customer service, primarily at call centers. However, during the pandemic, Taylor decided to shift gears entirely and dive into the IT field by taking an IT course. Her perseverance paid off, landing her a job as a junior IT architect specialist.

A Day in the Life of an IT Architect Specialist

In her new role, Taylor works for a school district, where her duties include:- Monitoring and logging activities across various school systems- Utilizing tools such as Prometheus and Grafana for data visualizations- Ensuring all the schools’ websites, systems, and devices are running smoothlyThough her job can be intense at times, it also has its slow periods, which she uses to advance her skills and work on her cybersecurity master’s degree.

The Job Hunt and Interview Experience

Taylor’s journey to her current role wasn’t straightforward. Here’s how she navigated the process. She applied to around 200-300 jobs, demonstrating the importance of perseverance. She focused on polishing her resume and ensuring it highlighted her best attributes and skills. Her interview process involved pre-recorded interviews and discussions about practical IT concepts like DNS and monitoring systems.

The Game-Changing Aspect: Portfolio Building

One crucial step that set Taylor apart was the focus on building a strong portfolio, a key part of the IT course she took. This didn’t just showcase her skills but also proved she could “speak the same language” as IT professionals.

Keys to Success

Taylor’s advice for those looking to change their careers into IT includes.  Don’t give up even when the job hunt seems endless. Pay close attention to job descriptions; sometimes, positions might be more accessible than they seem. Leverage all your skills, even those from unrelated fields like customer service, as they can be invaluable in your new role.


Taylor’s story is a testament to how determination, continuous learning, and the right strategy can lead to incredible career changes. Whether you’re looking to break into IT or any other field, remember that with the right approach, you can achieve your goals. So keep pushing forward, stay open to learning, and don’t underestimate the value of a well-crafted portfolio.Remember, like Taylor, your journey might be filled with challenges, but with persistence and focus, you can reach new professional heights.

Don’t forget to check out my Hands-On Cybersecurity Course to help you bridge the gap between just being skilled and actually landing a job!”

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