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Welcome to the World of Cybersecurity with Oscar!

Hello future tech experts! Today, we are going to share a super exciting journey of how Oscar, a personal trainer with no IT experience, became a junior cybersecurity analyst. That’s right, he switched from personal training to protecting computers from hackers!

How Did Oscar Start?

Oscar’s story begins when the world of personal training got a bit shaky because of Covid-19. With gyms closing and business slowing down, Oscar looked for a new career path, something totally different. He decided on cybersecurity, even though he knew nothing about it at first!

Making the Big Switch

So, how did he do it? Let’s break it down:

  • Landing the First Job: Oscar’s adventure started when he joined a cybersecurity course. When it was time for interviews, he was asked all sorts of questions, but guess what? He already knew the answers because of his course! He talked about his experiences with Azure, a computer service he learned about in class.
  • From Doubt to Confidence: Even though he was a bit unsure at the beginning (who wouldn’t be?) Oscar found confidence through the information from his trusted cyber security course and YouTube channels.
  • Getting the Technical Stuff Right: When it was time for the nitty-gritty tech questions, Oscar was ready. He shared projects he worked on, like creating a specific type of security system and working with different computer programs.

Oscar’s New Job!

Oscar started a brand-new job as an IT Support Analyst. Even though it sounds fancy, he helps with everyday computer problems, like fixing printers or computer issues. His small team works closely together, so Oscar gets to learn lots of cool, new tech stuff every day!

The Interview Challenge

Interviews can be super scary, right? Well, Oscar had not just one, but multiple interviews where he had to talk about all the awesome things he learned. He even had to impress the big bosses, but he stayed calm and did great!

Oscar’s Tips for You!

Oscar has some amazing tips for anyone looking to switch careers or just start in the world of tech:

  • Be Open to Learning: You don’t have to be a tech wizard at the start. Just be curious and love to learn new things.
  • Start With the Basics: Begin with learning the very basics of computers and technology. Websites and free videos are great places to start!
  • Put in the Work: It might take lots of studying and practice, but it’s all worth it in the end when you land a cool tech job like Oscar!
  • Stay Positive: Even when interviews seem super scary, remember to stay positive and show how excited you are to learn and grow in your new career.


Oscar’s story shows us that it’s never too late to change your career path and dive into something completely different. With hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Who knows, maybe you will be the next cybersecurity expert!

Remember, taking on new challenges like learning about technology or cybersecurity can be a fun adventure. So, why not start your journey today?

Happy learning, future tech experts!

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