Creating Your Dream IT Resume

Hello young tech enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into an exciting adventure at crafting the perfect resume for entry-level IT jobs. Whether you’re dreaming about fixing computers, managing networks, or protecting against cyber threats, this guide is for you! Finding the Magic Formula Imagine collecting data on 100 different IT jobs from a website and then […]

How to Get Into Cyber Security Without IT Experience

Hey there! Are you curious about whether you can dive into cyber security without having an IT background? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today, we’re going to unravel this mystery together. Let’s jump in! Is It Possible to Start with Zero Experience? First off, yes, it’s totally possible to start learning cyber security […]

Living in Thailand on $50K a Year: Your Ultimate Guide!

Has the idea of moving to Thailand ever crossed your mind? Well, if you’re earning $50K a year remotely, packing your bags might just be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make! Let me share why Thailand is an amazing choice and some useful tips to make your transition smooth. Why Thailand Is An […]

Kickstart Your Security+ Journey with Free Practice Questions!

Are you ready to obtain your CompTIA Security Plus certificate with ease? Great! Today, we’re going to show you how to prepare for the Security Plus exam, discuss a three-phase approach to pass the exam, and even share a secret on how you might save $70 on your certification. Stay tuned till the end, as […]

BEST Possible Degrees for CyberSecurity Red Team

Have you ever wondered which degree would best help you join a red team? If yes, you’re not alone. I have analyzed this question thoroughly and am eager to share my findings. If you are not aware, a red team is a group that attempts unauthorized intrusions against computer systems, humans (socially or psychologically), or […]

Future of Cyber Security Jobs: Learning from Artificial Intelligence

Hello guys! Today, we’re going to talk about something really cool and futuristic. We’re going to see how we can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to better understand what you might need to learn for a cyber security job in 2024! How did we do it? I started by looking through 100 different jobs on a […]

Breaking Into the Job Market: A Framework For Success

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be highly employable? Perhaps you’ve just recently jumped into the adult world of job hunting and you’re feeling a little lost in the process. I know the feeling; my first job hunt seemed to stretch on forever.It felt quite challenging and sometimes even seemed like dumb luck […]

How I Overcame the “-isms” of Job Hunting

Getting an interview for a job you applied for online can be quite challenging. Not only are there many applicants competing for the same job, but there can also be hindrances like prejudices and inefficiencies in the recruitment process. But remember, certain things are within your control, and focusing on these can drastically improve your […]

NSA Recognized Online Cybersecurity Degree for $10k  (NSA CAE)  

Picture this, building a career in cyber security and earning relevant industry-recognized certifications, all at an affordable rate. Sounds too good to be true? Well, not anymore! Read on to discover a fantastic cybersecurity program backed by the National Security Agency (NSA). Program Overview The NSA, along with several other Federal Partners, run a special […]